A little about me…

Many years ago, I raced bicycles competitively. In 2009, I rode for a cycling team in Belgium. While I was there I was introduced to the luxury diamond trade in Antwerp over a dinner with my team manager’s family. Unbeknown to me at the time, Antwerp is the capital of the global diamond trade. My manager’s brother opened my eyes to this incredible gem and watch industry that celebrates peoples’ monumental moments. The jewelry associate who helps the customer secure the right celebratory item is forever tied to them in that special moment. Little did I know, this conversation would propel my career for years to come.

A couple months after that dinner, I was in an accident in a bike race that abruptly ended my cycling career. I had flown back to the States to get medical attention and recover. I was penniless and living with family, when I decided to go for a drive and clear my head. On that drive, I passed a small jewelry store with a “NOW HIRING” sign in the window. That’s when it hit me like an epiphany moment. I was back at that dinner conversation in Belgium and knew that I was going to get this jewelry store job.

I raced home, threw on my only suit that I last wore to Prom. I printed out a resume, and I was on my way. I remember walking into that store with a knowing. feeling. The knowing that this job was a next step in my journey.

Since that interview in 2010, I’ve immersed myself in all aspects of the industry, and taken the same competitive approach that I did with my racing career.

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